Thursday, February 24, 2011


one contact is bothering me. the right side. if i just look thru that eye, the world is a little blurry today. i realized too late, i shouldn't try this activity while at the check-out counter. the clerk gave me a bewildered look. ahhh....he thinks i'm winking at him? that i have a twitch? that half of my brain doesn't work on thursdays? i open my mouth to explain what's wrong and then shut it. who cares? he sure doesn't. maybe he'll go out tonight and talk about the weird girl that came to work today.
however, this little trick makes some ugly stuff look different...more like a hazy oil painting. who knew wade hampton's abandoned buildings could be artsy? so, would my life be better if i saw absolutely clearly in both eyes? all the ugly? no funny stories told about me? i don't know. it's the out-of-ordinary that is most interesting.
i read in a magazine that polka-dots are IN...everyone who is anyone will be in dots this season. polka-dots hurt my eyes. they remind me of large circus costumes. would i really be more attractive covered in various sized circles? (let me see...close the left eye. yeah, looking good.) maybe it's just a huge distraction: the observer is so overcome by the visual feast they miss all the physical flaws AND stunning personality?
so, half-eye or no?  in the eye of beholder. (cliche. touche.)

going home to get a new pair of contacts and ransack closet for dots.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

looking out... window as i drive from the george (downtown s'burg) to the main usc campus every m/w, i see pretty much the same thing. but, one sight i always take more than a second look. it's the millikin research plant. so, basically, mr. millikin is pretty famous here in the upstate, i think. textiles, and all. well, there's this huge imposing building, not aesthetically pleasing, no sign of life coming from within. but, the front of the property catches my eye every time. there's a man-made pond and probably 50 geese/ducks hanging around it. there are always cars parked on the side of the road and people are out just gazing at the pond, feeding the ducks, jogging/walking, etc. i don't know what is so inspiring in the water that makes so many people stop. it's not a very pretty spot wedged next to the highway. the landscaping is dull, the pond is no larger than my row of townhouses, nothing to sit on except goose-defecated lawn or the curb.  but, it speaks of an oasis for these regulars. i think i know where i'm going to have my lunch break on monday.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

poems that should be heard

Untitled Sonnet
(by Edna St. Vincent Millay)

If I should learn, in some quite casual way,
  That you were gone, not to return again --
Read from the back-page of a paper, say,
  Held by a neighbor in a subway train,
How at the corner of this avenue
  And such a street (so are the papers filled)
A hurrying man -- who happened to be you --
  At noon to-day had happened to be killed,
I should not cry aloud -- I could not cry
  Aloud, or wring my hands in such a place --
I should but watch the station lights rush by
  With a more careful interest on my face,
Or raise my eyes and read with greater care
Where to store furs and how to treat the hair.

and then enters the story of grace

first post

as there will only be one of these, i do wish i had something epic to say. this is just a collection of the many things that interest and inspire me. if i could find one thing that i could actually make a living off of, i will consider this foray into the ridiculous well worth it. let the search begin...