Wednesday, February 23, 2011

looking out... window as i drive from the george (downtown s'burg) to the main usc campus every m/w, i see pretty much the same thing. but, one sight i always take more than a second look. it's the millikin research plant. so, basically, mr. millikin is pretty famous here in the upstate, i think. textiles, and all. well, there's this huge imposing building, not aesthetically pleasing, no sign of life coming from within. but, the front of the property catches my eye every time. there's a man-made pond and probably 50 geese/ducks hanging around it. there are always cars parked on the side of the road and people are out just gazing at the pond, feeding the ducks, jogging/walking, etc. i don't know what is so inspiring in the water that makes so many people stop. it's not a very pretty spot wedged next to the highway. the landscaping is dull, the pond is no larger than my row of townhouses, nothing to sit on except goose-defecated lawn or the curb.  but, it speaks of an oasis for these regulars. i think i know where i'm going to have my lunch break on monday.

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